
Hope for Rhode Island Shelter Animals


Orphaned animals need TLC, not killing.

Rhode Island animals need your help. A new bill, H 7083, has been introduced to end convenience killing in shelters. H 7083 would make it illegal for shelters to kill animals if there are empty cages or kennels, if animals can share a cage or kennel with another animal, if a foster home is available, if a rescue group is willing to take the animal, or if an animal can be transferred to another shelter.

Similar laws in other states save nearly 50,000 animals a year, have reduced killing statewide by 78%, have led to save rates of 94% and higher, and have cut millions of dollars in wasteful spending.

If you live in Rhode Island, please contact members of the House Committee on Health, Education and Welfare and urge a “Yes” vote.

In addition, contact your district legislators and ask them to cosponsor the bill.

If you live outside of Rhode Island, please share with those who do.

You can also bring similar legislation to your state using the No Kill Advocacy Center‘s  free step-by-step guide on how to get it introduced.


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