Articles Corruption

Colorado bill would promote killing of animals for “mental and emotional” state

Even when — as is the case more often than not — simply getting the animal out of the pound can resolve any concerns. Last year, the Denver Dumb Friends League, the flagship of the regressive sheltering establishment in Colorado, lied to the media, the public, and legislators by claiming that there isn’t a single pound in the state that kills animals: “There are no kill shelters in Colorado.” Worse, the organization and its allies introduced…

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Articles Corruption

Lawsuit: Franklin County, OH, Pound Director Retaliated Against Rescuers

The director of Franklin County Animal Care and Control (FCACC) and other county officials are violating federal law and infringing on the First Amendment rights of rescuers, according to a new lawsuit filed by Guardians for the Animals of Ohio. The lawsuit alleges that the director of the Franklin County, OH, pound suspended the ability of the rescue group to save animals scheduled to be killed because other people posted critical comments about the pound…

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Articles Corruption

Lawsuit: University of Wisconsin is censoring “cruelty against monkeys”

A former student is suing the University of Wisconsin – Madison (UW) for violation of her First Amendment rights. The plaintiff worked at a lab that uses primates for “behavioral research.” She “claims that during her time as a caregiver, she witnessed cruelty against the monkeys she cared for.” According to the Complaint, UW has been hiding her comments on its Facebook and Instagram pages so no one could see them, preventing others from learning…

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Articles Corruption PETA

PETA continues to kill thousands yearly

The Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, which oversees animal “shelters” in the state, released PETA statistics for 2020. While communities across Virginia and the country are reporting placement rates that are higher than ever —-Š in some cases, the highest in their history (as high as 99% in municipal shelters) and, given the demand for animals as a result of the pandemic, many are even finding themselves empty for the first time in…

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Articles Corruption

Lawsuit: Williston, ND, Police Department Illegally Kills Dogs/Threatens Families

Over a dozen residents and former residents of North Dakota have filed a Federal civil rights lawsuit against the City of Williston for violating their constitutional rights by arbitrarily banning dogs the City claims are “pit bulls.” Some of the plaintiff’s dogs were killed, others were forced to relocate their dogs in order to avoid their killing, and still others are being threatened with fines and imprisonment and having their dogs killed. The Williston Police…

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Articles Corruption PETA

Study: Denver BSL cost $100M but no benefit

The University of Denver has announced that they have completed research on the economic impact of Denver’s “pit bull” ban. The work — a collaboration that includes departments focused on law, public policy, animal studies, social work, economics, and business — found that enforcement of the ban has cost taxpayers over $100,000,000 over the last 30 years, but has not resulted in a measurable impact on public safety. The research also determined that enforcement is…

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Articles Corruption

NYC Audit Shows Continued Animal Neglect

The New York City Comptroller’s Office released its audit of the city pound system as part of its oversight to ensure “compliance with the requirements of its contract with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) regarding shelter conditions and animal care.” The audit found, “unacceptable humidity levels,” cats, rabbits and other small animals exposed to the sounds of barking dogs, expired food, expired medication, failure to vaccinate, “as well as a high rate…

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Articles Corruption

NYC to Kill Dogs Because of Their Own Incompetence

The New York City pound announced it is going to kill dogs and it is blaming the victims. How? It treats dogs poorly. And because it does, the dogs become stressed. And because they are stressed, City officials have announced that they will be killed. “Chronic stress can really put behavioral health into question,” they recently announced, “and we are reaching a point with some of our dogs where keeping them alive but confined is…

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Articles Corruption

The Death of B-372

In April of last year, National Park Service biologists in the Santa Monica (CA) Mountains tracked a mountain lion’s GPS collar after it sent out “a mortality signal.” They found the mountain lion, dubbed P-47, dead. P-47 weighed 150 pounds, the largest and most robust of any in the region. He was only three years old. What killed him? “[P]oisoning from anticoagulant rodenticide, commonly known as rat poison. Testing on a sample of his liver…

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Articles ASPCA Best Friends Corruption

The Killing of Peanut Butter

This is Peanut Butter, a healthy orphaned kitten, who was killed by the New York City pound with a rescuer minutes away. According to her would-be rescuer, Peanut Butter was of good weight, “observed to be ‘active, crawling and vocal’: Her lungs were clear, no eye or ear discharge was noted and her skin was free of parasites.” At 4:30 pm “She was told the kitty was ‘prepped and ready to go” and the rescuer…

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